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Psychology and life
Date: 02/09 14:00 to 02/09 15:30
Address: 8 Gafor Valamatzade treet
Landmark: The tax Inspectorate of the district Shohmansur
Entrance: Details by phone

Recently, the term “depression " has ceased to be a term as such. This word is familiar to everyone. But does everyone know what it is?                                

Why is modern man so committed to this? Although if you think about it because we live in much more comfortable conditions than the previous century than our grandparents and even our parents. 

How to recognize depression, and how not to get stuck in it? How do men and women experience depression? How to get out of it with" little blood"? 

You will find an interesting and helpful interview with Maryam Davlatova, fascinated by the psychology of a man with a huge experience in this industry. 

Address: 8  Gafor Valamatzade treet

Starts at 14:00